Bader, Bonnie

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What is the World Cup?

Describe the history of World Cup Soccer a world soccer tournament that begain with the founding of an international soccer organization called FIFA, or F?d?ration Internationale de Football Association.
Cover image of What is the World Cup?

Slow, slow sloths

Brief text and color photographs depict the physical traits, behaviors, life cycle, predators, and habitat of sloths.
Cover image of Slow, slow sloths

The Underground Railroad

An exploration of the Underground Railroad, covering what it was, the slaves who traveled it, the people who helped, and other related topics. Includes American Girl Addy's story of her escape to freedom.
Cover image of The Underground Railroad

Who was Martin Luther King, Jr.?

An illustrated biography introducing students to the life of Martin Luther King, Jr., discussing his childhood, schooling, beliefs, role in the civil rights movement, and other related topics.

Fly, butterfly

Text and illustrations provide information on monarch butterflies and their migration to Mexico in the winter.


An introduction to keeping a hedgehog as a pet.


Simple text and photographs look at snails.


Learn about hedgehogs in this fact-and-photo-filled book that is just as cute as the animals themselves! Did you know that the name for a baby hedgehog is a hoglet? Or that hedgehogs make good pets because they prey on common garden pests? This new nonfiction reader will teach kids how to take good care of these unique creatures.

Slow, slow sloths

This fact-and-photo-filled book features one of the cutest and most unique animals out there--the sloth! Did you know that sloths sleep up to twenty hours a day? Did you know they descend from their trees once a week to go to the bathroom? In this nonfiction reader, kids will learn all about this sleepy, slow-moving mammal.


Presents advice for young readers on how to take care of a kitten as a pet.


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