

T.S. Eliot

Presents a comprehensive analysis of the life and works of late nineteenth and early twentieth-century author and poet T.S. Eliot that examines the major ideas and themes that run through such works as "The Waste Land" and "Animula.".

The waste land and other writings

A collection of writings by T. S. Eliot.

Nothing to fear

FDR's inner circle and the hundred days that created modern America
A portrait of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's five closest advisors, who shaped his policy in the first one hundred days of his presidency.
Cover image of Nothing to fear

The world broke in two

Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence, E. M. Forster and the year that changed literature
Examines the lives of four authors--Virginia Woolf, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence, and E. M. Foster--in 1922. A pivotal year in literature, 1922 also marked moments within these artists' lives when they were struggling, but ultimately found their voice once again.
Cover image of The world broke in two

The kid who changed the world

Beginning with Norman Borlaug and going back to those who influenced him directly or indirectly, shows how one ordinary boy came to develop "super plants" that helped save billions of people from starvation.

Reading and interpreting the works of T.S. Eliot

Students often approach the complex poetry of T. S. Eliot with some degree of trepidation, but as this comprehensive text demonstrates, that need not be the case. With its thoughtful analysis and engaging writing style, this guide provides readers with the tools they need to approach Eliot's works with confidence, while at the same time encouraging them to draw their own meaning from the words and sounds of the poetry. The text also explores Eliot's life beyond his poems, including his extensive work as an essayist, editor, and critic. Given this context, readers will establish a deeper understanding of the poet as well as his work.

A guide to the Selected poems of T.S. Eliot

A compilation of notes that provide explanations of the quotations, allusions, and historical references that appear in nearly thirty poems by T. S. Eliot.

The waste land

authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Contains the definitive text of T.S. Eliot's poem, "The Waste Land," and includes detailed explanatory annotation, as well as Eliot's own notes and twenty-five critical essays and reviews.

T.S. Eliot

the poet and his critics
Studies T.S. Eliot in his roles as a personal and an impersonal poet, a social critic, a religious poet, a traditional poet, and as a modern poet.

T. S. Eliot

the longer poems : the Waste land, Ash Wednesday, Four quartets


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