Greenburg, Dan

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The misfortune cookie

Zack visits a very strange Chinese restaurant called Wun Dum Guy and finds that the fortunes in his fortune cookies start coming true.

How to speak dolphin in three easy lessons

When Zack goes to Florida to visit Mel & Shirley's Wonderful World of Dolphins, he is surprised to discover that he can understand and speak to dolphins, which enables him to solve a kidnapping.

Dr. Jekyll, orthodontist

While Zack is being treated by Dr. Jekyll, his new orthodontist, the doctor undergoes a strange transformation into a growling monster.

Lost in Las Vegas

After crashing their spaceship in the Nevada desert, Klatu, Lek, and their sister Ploo go to Las Vegas in search of the one mechanic who can fix it.

Young Santa

Tells about the life of the son of Sophie and Milton Claus who is named after a vacation in Santa Fe.

Maximum Boy, starring in superhero-- or super thief?

Someone has frozen time in order to steal four of the world's most valuable treasures. And the thief is wearing a black mask like Maximum Boy, a silver cape like Maximum Boy, and a hat with his logo on it.

MAXimum Boy starring in Maximum Girl unmasked

Max Silver, a superhero known as Maximum Boy, finds himself with trouble on his hands when his sister Tiffany attempts to become Maximum Girl with less than stellar results.

Zap! I'm a mind reader

After an electrifying experiment in science class gives Zack a shock, he realizes that he can read other people's minds.

Through the medicine cabinet

Zack's discovery of a parallel universe causes him a few tense moments when his parallel self, Zeke, steals his retainer, forcing him to go into Newer York to get it back.

Great-Grandpa's in the litter box

Zack takes home from the local animal shelter a scruffy tomcat who not only talks but claims to be the reincarnation of Zack's Great-Grandpa Julius.


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