area 51 (nev.)

Geographic Name
area 51 (nev.)

Area 51

Describes the Air Force base called Area 51 where the Air Force conducts secret tests that some people claim involve unidentified flying objects and aliens.

Beyond Roswell

the alien autopsy film, Area 51, & the U.S. government coverup of UFOs
Examines the events of July 1947 when an alien space craft allegedly crashed at Roswell, NM; looks at the Santilli film that reportedly shows an autopsy performed on one of the dead alien passengers; and claims that a similar incident occurred one month earlier.

Weird Planet # 3

Chilling With the Great Ones
When siblings Klatu, Lek, and Loo from the plant Loogl return to the mysterious Area 51 to recover their wrecked spaceship, they meet the Great Ones - four legendary Looglings who crashed in Roswell sixty years earlier.

UFO headquarters

investigations on current extraterrestrial activity
Discusses what the government is doing at Area 51 in Las Vegas, Nevada, and examines the different theories about the UFOs that have been sighted there.

The mystery at Area 51

Christina and Grant become caught up in an otherworldly mystery when they travel to Nevada and learn their friends, who have a ranch near Area 51, have been dealing with disappearing cattle.

Area 51

an uncensored history of America's top secret military base
Provides a history of Area 51, detailing the process by which it has been constructed and outlining its true purpose. Relies on interviews with individuals who used to live and work there to describe what goes on inside Area 51 and profile some of the technologies that have been developed there. Includes black-and-white photographs.

Area 51

an uncensored history of America's top secret military base
Provides a history of Area 51, detailing the process by which it has been constructed and outlining its true purpose. Relies on interviews with individuals who used to live and work there to describe what goes on inside Area 51 and profile some of the technologies that have been developed there. Includes black-and-white photographs.

Area 51

Explores the mystery surrounding Area 51 and proposes several theories as to what Area 51 is and what is researched there. Includes color photographs and a glossary.

Area 51

Offers eyewitness accounts of UFO activity in Area 51 and discusses alternative explanations for these occurrences.

Chilling with the Great Ones

Alien siblings, Klatu, Lek, and Ploo go to Area 51 to find their spaceship and meet the Great Ones, four Looglings who crashed on Earth fifty years prior.


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