
Geographic Name

On Tocqueville

democracy and America
Summarizes the observations of French sociologist Alexis de Toqueville about the structure of American democracy in the early 1800s.

The Cornel West reader

Presents fifty-one works by and interviews with late-twentieth-century activist and political writer Cornel West, covering such topics as African-American cultural politics, Marxist theory, Christian thought, the arts, and race relations, and includes autobiographical essays.

The spirit of America

words of advice from the founders in stories, letters, poems, and speeches
A collection of essays, speeches, letters, and poems by and about the men and women who first founded America.

Passionate declarations

essays on war and justice
A collection of essays by Howard Zinn which reflect on theset of beliefs guardians of American culture consider sacrosanct and the effect those beliefs have on people's capacity to think independently.

Ancient Greece

Explores some aspects of the history, philosophy, and mythology of Ancient Greece.

The American past

conflicting interpretations of the great issues

The audacity of hope

thoughts on reclaiming the American dream
The junior senator from Illinois discusses how to transform U.S. politics, calling for a return to America's original ideals and revealing how they can address such issues as globalization and the function of religion in public life.

Rogue nation

American unilateralism and the failure of good intentions
Examines the roots of American unilateralism and discusses how it influences areas of American foreign policy including trade and economic policy, arms control and energy.

Myths America lives by

Specifies five major myths that are paramount to the American experience, among them the myth of the Chosen Nation, the myth of the Christian Nation, and the myth of the Innocent Nation. Argues that by accepting these myths America risks the "egalitarian promise" of the Declaration of Independence.

Fear's empire

war, terrorism, and democracy
Examines critically the foreign policy of President Bush's administration focusing on "doctrines of preemptive attack and preventative war." Raises questions about the support of the United States for a select group of dictatorships while imposing democracy on those who are at war with us. A major theme of this discussion is that 'we cannot defeat fear with fear.".


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