
Topical Term

Isaac Newton and the laws of motion

"[This] graphic biography follows [Isaac] Newton as he proposes three laws that explain the motion of objects"--Provided by publisher.

Makerspace projects for understanding Newton's laws of motion

"In this detailed guide to Newton's laws of motion, readers will be encouraged to take learning into their own hands with three engaging makerspace projects. Young scientists will gain an understanding of the importance of these principles in scientific endeavors and in everyday life. They'll also learn about Sir Isaac Newton and how he discovered the laws of motion. Detailed instructions and colorful photographs will help students complete the projects and make connections with the new information they are learning"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Makerspace projects for understanding Newton's laws of motion

Curious Pearl kicks off forces and motion

an augmented reading science experience
"Curious Pearl and her friends love soccer. There's plenty of fun, and lots of forces and motion in action. Pearl teaches her friends all about physical science as they play a game on the soccer field"--Provided by publisher.

Pull and push

"Featuring . . . leveled text and [color] photographs, this nonfiction title shows younger readers examples of forces and motion in everyday life"--Provided by publisher.

Mary Motion

Introduces readers to the principles of motion and the letter "m" through a story in which Mary Motion helps her friends win a marble race. Includes two related experiments.

Pushes and pulls

An exploration of forces that focuses on pushes and pulls, discussing how things move, speed, direction, and other topics.

Experiments in forces and motion with toys and everyday stuff

Explores the science of forces and motion through seven simple experiments that can be done at home. Includes step-by-step instructions, color photographs, a glossary, and further resources.

Forces of nature

experiments with forces & magnetism
Step-by-step instructions and illustrations guide readers through science experiments that illustrate the principles of force and magnetism.

How do objects move?

"A book about the laws of motion for young readers"--Provided by publisher.

Motion capture

Explores motion capture, including what it is, the history, the future, and more.


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