The Red Badge of Courage takes a look at a work of literature through the lens of the major social issue reflected in it, as well as a variety of perspectives on the literary work and the social issue being discussed.
A study guide for Stephen Crane's novel "Maggie-A girl of the Streets" that includes a biographical sketch of the author, plot summary, character examinations, review questions, and selections from critical essays about the work.
Examines the life and work of nineteenth-century American author Stephen Crane, featuring a biographical profile, critical analysis of the themes, symbols, and ideas in his writing, a selection of critical essays, a chronology, and references.
A guide to understanding Stephen Crane's "The Red Badge of Courage," featuring a biographical sketch of the author, a list of characters, a plot summary and analysis, and a selection of critical views.
Presents biographical information on Crane, and examines various analyses of his work for insights into the issues that lie under the surface of the plots of his writings.