archimedes' principle

Topical Term
archimedes' principle

What floats? What sinks?

a look at density
An introduction to density that explains how it determines whether objects float or sink and discusses how people use floating and sinking in their lives.
Cover image of What floats? What sinks?

Flota o se hunde?

Presents an introduction to the concepts of sinking and floating, in simple text with illustrations, explaining how density and shape impact whether an object will sink or float.

Dime c?mo flotan los barcos

Uses simple experiments and activities to explore concepts such as density, upthrust, and water displacement and to explain why objects float or sink.

Dime, c?mo floten los barcos?

Uses simple experiments and activities to explore concepts such as density, upthrust, and water displacement and to explain why objects float or sink.

Mr. Archimedes' Bath

While bathing with his friends one day, Mr. Archimedes discovers the principle for which his name has become famous.

Sink or swim!

the science of water
An introduction to the science of water, using simple science experiments that show why things float or sink and how we use these properties of water for such things as designing boats and lifting objects out of water.

What floats? What sinks?

a look at density
An introduction to density that explains how it determines whether objects float or sink and discusses how people use floating and sinking in their lives.

Floating and sinking

Presents an introduction to the concepts of sinking and floating, in simple text with illustrations, explaining how density and shape impact whether an object will sink or float.

Mr. Archimedes' bath

While bathing with his animal friends one day, Mr. Archimedes discovers the principle for which his name has become famous.

Making things float and sink

Experiments with step-by-step instructions help children understand the basic scientific principles that determine whether an object floats or sinks.


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