Explains the purpose of correctional facilities and describes various kinds including jails and prisons as well as alternatives to incarceration such as probation and parole.
Text and photographs describe the inner workings of the juvenile justice system, focusing on a young offender's arrest, jailing, court appearance, and time spent at the Minnesota Correctional Facility at Red Wing.
Contains studies, surveys, and statistics on issues related to crime, prisons, and jails, covering victims, hate crimes and terrorism in the U.S., correctional facilities, probation and parole, and other topics.
A compilation of facts and statistics on prisons and jails in the U.S., covering such topics as corrections history, expenditures, juvenile confinement, inmate health, and parole.
Michael, a concentration camp survivor, returns to the town of his birth in Hungary to find and confront those people who stood by and never interfered when the Nazis deported the Jews, and finds himself arrested and jailed as a foreign agent.