Math all around

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Shapes in transportation

Two children explore the different shapes they see during a road trip to the city. Defines geometric terms such as angle, cylinder, dimension, line segment, parallel, prism, and rhombus.

Subtraction at school

Presents an introduction to subtraction, in simple text with illustrations, as the reader is invited to find things to subtract in the classroom, including the number of absent kids from class, the sandwiches ate in the lunchroom, and other things that happen at school.

Shapes in transportation

Presents an introduction to shapes, in simple text and illustrations, as the reader is invited to find different geometric forms along a road.

Multiplication on the farm

Presents an introduction to multiplication, in simple text and illustrations, as the reader is invited to use the math concept to keep track of animals on a farm.

Money at the store

Jennifer Rozines Roy and Gregory Roy
Presents an introduction to money, in simple text and illustrations, as the reader is invited to figure out if he or she has enough money to purchase goods from a store.

Graphing in the desert

Presents an introduction to graphing, in simple text and illustrations, as the reader is invited to compare animals and plants found in a desert.

Division with toys

Presents an introduction to division, in simple text and illustrations, as the reader is invited to use the math concept to share toys with friends.

Sorting at the ocean

Presents an introduction sorting, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples of various animals and creatures found in the ocean and asking the reader to compare them by size, shape, and color.

Patterns in nature

Presents an introduction to identifying patterns made from shapes, lines, and numbers, in simple text with illustrations, providing examples from the natural world, including seasons, rainbows, butterfly wings, and more.

Numbers on the street

Presents an introduction to counting, in simple text with illustrations, as the reader is invited to locate the numbers that can be found in daily life on clothes, cars, buses, buildings, and toys.


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