searches and seizures

Topical Term
searches and seizures

Unreasonable search and seizure

the Fourth Amendment
"... examines the events leading up to the creation and ratification of the Fourth Amendment and its impact on modern American life, including how the Supreme Court must balance the rights of the individual against the needs of the government to keep the nation safe and how technological advances affect our privacy"--Provided by publisher.

No unreasonable searches and seizures

a look at the Third and Fourth Amendments
"Readers will discover how the Third and Fourth Amendments earned inclusion in the Bill of Rights. Complicated political language is simplified, helping readers recognize the amendments at work in modern life. Both amendments reflect the fundamental American values of privacy and personal property. They protect homes, belongings, and even phone conversations. Primary sources, . . . images, and sidebars explore the evolving interpretation of the Third and Fourth Amendments"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of No unreasonable searches and seizures

Mapp v. Ohio

guarding against unreasonable searches and seizures
Offers a critical analysis of Dollree Mapp's Supreme Court case against unlawful search and seizure methods and its link to the constitutional battle over privacy rights.
Cover image of Mapp v. Ohio

Unreasonable search and seizure

the Fourth Amendment
Some people believe that the USA PATRIOT Act and Homeland Security Act, passed after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, violate the Fourth Amendment, which guarantees that U.S. citizens have the right to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and belongings against unreasonable searches and seizures. Through full-color and black-and-white photographs, engaging text, and primary sources, this book examines the events leading up to the creation and ratification of the Fourth Amendment and its impact on modern American life, including how the Supreme Court must balance the rights of the individual against the needs of the government to keep the nation safe and how technological advances affect our privacy. Sidebars, a list of all ten Bill of Rights, and a glossary are also included.
Cover image of Unreasonable search and seizure

The Fourth Amendment

civil liberties
The Bill of Rights was written more than 200 years ago, but it's still just as relevant and important today as it was back then. Readers will take a look at what caused the Fourth Amendment to be born and what effects the amendment has had through history and today.
Cover image of The Fourth Amendment

The Fourth Amendment

search and seizure
This book shows how the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution has been historically interpreted by the judicial system and presents cases which illustrate how it is currently being applied.

New Jersey v. T.L.O.

drug searches in schools
Details the Supreme Court case that dealt with drug searches by public school employees and debated the Fourth Amendment rights of students.

Driving while black

highways, shopping malls, taxicabs, sidewalks : how to fight back if you are a victim of racial profiling
Documents the extent to which racial profiling is practiced in America, and provides information for people whose rights have been violated on how to resist, fight back, and protect themselves.

Fourth Amendment

the right to privacy
Describes the history and purpose of the Fourth Amendment that guards against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Search and seizure

Presents a comprehensive study of the Fourth Amendment, and discusses its origin and the debates against unreasonable searches of property and personal effects, definitions and perceptions of "profiling, " and a person's rights in a post-September 11 nation.


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