african americans

Topical Term
african americans

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Describes the life of Martin Luther King and the origin and celebration of the holiday in his honor.

Ida B. Wells

let the truth be told
An illustrated account of the life of African-American educator and activist Ida B. Wells, looking at the work she did to stop lynching and push for equal rights.

The escape of Oney Judge

Martha Washington's slave finds freedom
Young Oney Judge risks everything to escape a life of slavery in the household of George and Martha Washington and to make her own way as a free black woman.

The chicken-chasing queen of Lamar County

A young farm girl tries to catch her favorite chicken, until she learns something about the hen that makes her change her ways.

Rosa Parks

meet a civil rights hero
A biography of a woman whose actions led to the desegregation of buses in Montgomery, Alabama, in the 1960s and who was an important figure in the early days of the civil rights movement.

The new girl-- and me

Two African-American girls named Shakeeta and Mia become friends when Shakeeta boasts that she has a pet iguana and Mia learns how to help Shakeeta "feel at home" even when she is in school.

Game day

Brothers Tiki and Ronde Barber, two NFL superstars, tell their story and how loyalty, determination, and the power of teamwork help all succeed.


a photobiography of African-American polar explorer Matthew Henson
Presents the story of the expedition to the North Pole by explorers Robert Peary and African-American Matthew Henson, focusing on the contributions made by Henson.

Mr. Chickee's funny money

Flint Future Detective Club members Steven Carter, his friend Russell, and Russell's dog Zoopy solve the mystery of a quadrillion-dollar bill with the image of James Brown on it.

Joe Louis

America's fighter
Presents a short biography of the life of heavyweight boxing champion, Joe Louis, and chronicles his career in the ring.


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