Provides general information about continents, and features descriptions of each of Earth's seven continents, including Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Oceania, and Antarctica.
"Would you be surprised to know North America's Death Valley is the hottest spot in the world? Or that the Appalachian Mountains are nearly 500 million years old? This makes them some of the oldest mountains on Earth. Discover extreme facts about North America in this fun and kooky book"--.
Readers get the chance to travel the globe in this informative guide to Earth's continents. The text was expertly created to help young readers learn key points about maps as well as the continents. Each page is filled with a map labeled with key places noted in the accompanying text. Colorful photographs of landforms and people from around the world are sure to draw in even reluctant readers. A handy chart allows readers to compare the size and populations of each continent.
"Learn how to use map features like a key, compass rose, and a scale to answer questions about direction, measurement, and symbols. Look at photos of different continents, and use the maps inside the book to navigate and compare what is the same and what is different between them"--Provided by publisher.
Mostly between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer lies North America, the third largest continent in area. While young readers may already be familiar with parts of this continent, there is an endless amount of information to learn about the landmass. Simple maps help readers of this volume locate key parts of the continent. With information about important geographical features, as well as the people and cultures that make up North America, this engaging book is an excellent supplement to the elementary social studies curriculum.
"Use this book to better see the world. Travel through its continents, oceans and hemispheres. Learn some interesting facts, especially information on their similarities and differences. Study carefully the cultures and traditions in different regions of the Earth, too"---Amazon.
Crash! Slam! Male rhinoceros beetles lock horns in a battle over a female. Ounce-for-ounce, they are the strongest animal on Earth! Learn more about this awesome animal with a mighty horn.
Divided by continents and regions, explores information from around the world, such as famous landmarks, festivals, farming facts, food and drink, natural wonders, ancient wonders, and more.