Connect with electricity

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How transistors work

Did you know that electric current can be controlled? Have you ever wondered how that might be done? Transistors can act as amplifiers, taking in a small current and sending out a larger one, or as switches, turning electric current on and off. But how do these different transistors work? How are they used in our electronic devices? Discover the history of how transistors were developed, explore how different types of transistors can play different roles in various types of electronics, and learn where transistors may be taking technology in the future!.

How sensors work

Have you ever seen lights turn on automatically when you step into a restroom? Or have you ever wondered how a garage door knows not to close when someone is standing beneath it? What these and countless other electronic devices have in common is a sensor. But how do sensors work? What are they used for? Discover how robotic and electronic sensors can be programmed to work as our five senses do, and learn how they are used to save energy, keep us safe, and sometimes make life a little more convenient!.

How conductors work

Did you know that trees, buildings, and even people can act as conductors for electricity? Or have you ever wondered why we're warned not to go outside during a thunderstorm? Scientists, engineers, and electricians use conductors in their work and research, but conductors are also found in many of the devices and tools we use every day. But how does electricity travel through a conductor? Why are some materials better conductors than others? Discover how a conductor works, as well as what makes a good insulator, and explore how different types of conductors work in modern technology!.

How LEDs work

Have you ever wondered how the lights in your alarm clock work? Or have you ever considered how that tiny red light in your TV remote control can send a signal that helps you find your favorite show? What these and countless other bright devices have in common is a light-emitting diode, or LED. But how does an LED work? How is it different from other lightbulbs? Explore the key concepts that make up an LED, including semiconductors, electrons, color, and more, as well as learning how LEDs are used in electronics, to light homes, and even to grow food for astronauts!.

How circuits work

Have you ever wondered where the electricity powering your home or school comes from? What about how that electricity travels? In any device that uses electricity, inside is a small path through which that electricity travels, known as a circuit. Whether we see them in these devices or not, circuits are constantly at work. But how do circuits work? How were they invented? Explore the key concepts that make up a circuit, including the power source, conducting path, and load, and learn how circuits power devices of all sizes, from computers to the lights in your home to satellites in outer space!.

How batteries work

Discover the history of batteries and how scientists and engineers figured out ways to store electricity. Explore what makes up a battery, including an anode, cathode, and electrolyte, and learn how batteries can power all kinds of electronics from a cell phone to a bus!.
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