
Topical Term


a memoir
A memoir in which the author recalls her childhood, her training to become a concert pianist, and the mysterious muscle disorder that forced her to abandon that plan and turn instead to writing, and discusses what she has learned about life and faith from her experiences.

Flannery O'Connor and the Christ-haunted South

Presents a critical analysis of the writing of twentieth-century American author Flannery O'Connor, exploring the social and religious significance of her work.

One Belfast boy

Describes the life of Liam Leatham, a young Catholic boy, and his family as he prepares for a boxing match that he sees as the first step out of violence-plagued Belfast.


In Weaver Falls, New Hampshire, in 1975, seventeen-year-old Jocelyn looks for answers when her lifelong neighbor and friend, Gabe, turns up missing and she learns that, while her boyfriend has been telling everything to a priest, Gabe has been keeping terrible secrets.

Brideshead revisited

Captain Charles Ryder returns to the country estate of Brideshead where he indulges in a sentimental journey that takes him back twenty years to his schoolmates at Oxford and to his memories of the Marchmains.

The shadow of the bear

a fairy tale retold
Two teenaged sisters and their mother, living in New York City, offer hospitality to a stranger in need and are rewarded for their kindness in unexpected ways.

The midnight dancers

a fairy tale
When teenaged Rachel Dawson finds a way that she and her eleven stepsisters can sneak out of their Chesapeake Bayside home after midnight, their worried fundamentalist father enlists the help of Paul Fester, an ex-soldier and traveling juggler, to find out what the girls are up to.

London calling

Seventh-grader Martin Conway believes that his life is monotonous and dull until the night the antique radio he uses as a night-light transports him to the bombing of London in 1940.

London calling

Seventh-grader Martin Conway believes that his life is monotonous and dull until the night the antique radio he uses as a night-light transports him to the bombing of London in 1940.

Monkey tag

When seventh grader Thad suffers a serious injury while playing monkey tag, his twin brother Eli blames God for the accident and becomes convinced that his Catholic upbringing is a fraud.


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