Jaycox, Jaclyn

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inside the inferno
Readers will [learn about] the science behind wildfires, learn about recent wildfires around the world, and discover what's being done to prevent them"--Provided by publisher.

Sometimes I feel surprised

"What does it mean to feel surprised? Learn how surprise makes your body feel, how your senses spark emotion, and how to handle it. Large, stunning photos help illustrate what surprise looks like. A mindfulness activity gives kids the chance to practice managing their feelings"--Provided by publisher.

Ring-tailed lemur princesses

rulers of the troop
Looks at the important roles female ring-tailed lemurs play in order to keep the troop alive and thriving.

Is a fish or a bird the pet for me?

Colorful feathers. Shiny scales. Fish and birds make very different pets! Compare these two eye-catching pets side by side. Which one costs more? Which pet lives longer? Is it easier to clean a bird cage or a fish aquarium? Learn the answers to these questions and more. Then decide which one might make the best pet for you!.

Is a dog or a cat the pet for me?

Purr. Woof! Both dogs and cats are great furry friends! Compare these two popular pets side by side. Which needs more exercise? Which pet stays cleaner? Does one cost more? Learn the answers to these questions and more. Then decide which one might make the best pet for you!.

Joe Biden

"How much do you know about President Joe Biden? Find out the facts you need to know about the 46th president of the United States. You'll learn about Joe's early life, challenges he overcame, and the accomplishments of this American leader"--Provided by publisher.

Greta Thunberg

"How much do you know about Greta Thunberg? Discover the details you want to know about this inspiring young activist. You'll learn about the childhood, challenges, and accomplishments of this young leader in the fight against climate change"--Provided by publisher.

King cobras

"What is the longest venomous snake in the world? The king cobra! It can grow longer than a limousine. Its deadly bite can even take down an elephant. With . . . facts and color photos, young readers will enjoy learning more about these . . . reptiles"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of King cobras

Murder hornets

"Murder hornets are big! They are the largest hornet on Earth. Also called Asian giant hornets, these fierce insects will eat bees and wasps. Young readers can get all the facts . . ."--Provided by publisher.


"Falcons dive through the air. These birds of prey can reach speeds of more than 240 miles an hour! Their thin bodies and long, pointed wings help them go fast. Young readers will be quick to learn all they can about fierce falcons with . . . facts and . . . photos"--Provided by publisher.


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