french language

Topical Term
french language

Cassell's contemporary French

a handbook of grammar, current usage, and word power
Explains principles of French grammar, including the use of verb forms, clauses, prepositions, and translations of sayings useful in everyday situations such as shopping, travel, and using a pay phone.

French B

course companion
A companion text for students in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, supporting the 2011 syllabus, featuring reading activities and written and oral tasks, and encouraging an appreciation of the cultures of French-speaking countries throughout the world.

Dictionary of Canadian French =

Dictionnaire du fran?ais canadien

Merriam-Webster's easy learning complete French

A guide to learning French language, including tools to speak and write with confidence, and covering grammar, verbs, and vocabulary.

When in French

love in a second language
When writer Lauren Collins falls for a Frenchman in her early thirties, she agrees to relocate to France and study the language, adapt a new identity, and embrace the mishaps and joys along the way.

Learn French words

Contains words and phrases in French and English, with illustrations and pronunciations.

Tourbillon d'?motions

Simple rhyming text and colorful illustrations depict children feeling various emotions, such as boredom, jealousy, and anger.

Veux-tu ?tre mon valentin?

When Hippo asks her friends to be her valentine, they all refuse because she is different.

Apr?s la foudre

un roman en mots et en images / [French version]
Relates the stories of twelve-year-old Ben, who loses his mother and his hearing in a short time frame and decides to leave his Minnesota home in 1977 to seek the father he has never known in New York City; and Rose, who lives with her father but feels compelled to search for what is missing in her life. Ben's story is told in words; Rose's in pictures. Presented in French.


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