outlines, syllabi, etc

Topical Term
outlines, syllabi, etc

1000 Events that shaped the world

What are the 1,000 events, through all time and from all places, that have been most influential in shaping the world in which we live today? From that starting point, the book's creators -- a team of veteran writers and editors -- have developed a volume rich in content and visuals. Every spread pops off the page with passages to ponder and pictures to evoke the scene. A reader can open this book anywhere and find fascinating tidbits of world history embellished with quick-read biographies, first-person accounts, and landmark artworks, portraits, and photos. Special sidebar features cut through the chronology of this book, enriching its contents. Footnotes pull out fascinating details from many of the most important events. Connections -- essays on topics such as the domestication of horses, global navigation, importation of New World food plants into Europe, photography, and planetary exploration -- show how no event stands alone in its time but all link through the eras and the centuries.

Halley's Bible handbook

an abbreviated Bible commentary

CliffsNotes biology quick review

CliffsNotes Biology Quick Review is what you'd expect- and want from CliffsNotes: a no-nonsense quick review of biology that high school and Biology 101 students can use to review biology. Also good for teachers and test-takers needing to refresh their understanding of biology. Quick in. Quick out.

Barron's E-Z anatomy and physiology

The authors of E-Z Anatomy and Physiology present an extensive review of the human body's structural framework and describe how it functions. Each of 23 chapters covers a separate system of the body and includes review questions with answers. The book is filled with charts, diagrams, and instructive line illustrations. Books in Barron's new E-Z series are enhanced and updated editions of Barron's older, highly popular Easy Way books. New cover designs reflect the brand-new interior layouts, which feature extensive two-color treatment, a fresh, modern typeface, and more graphic material than ever. Charts, graphs, diagrams, line illustrations, and where appropriate, amusing cartoons help make learning E-Z in a variety of subjects. Barron's E-Z books are self-teaching manuals focused to improve students' grades in skill levels that range between senior high school and college-101 standards.

Anatomy & physiology made incredibly easy!

Presents a study guide and reference for anatomy and physiology. Includes coverage of all major body systems and processes, reviews, practice questions, close-up looks at anatomic structures, explanations of connections between body systems and structures, games, study cards, and full-color illustrations.


Offers a brief introduction to genetics, providing coverage of key terms and ideas, expert tips, and review questions and practice tests.

Probability and statistics

Offers a brief introduction to probability and statistics, providing coverage of key terms and ideas, expert tips, and review questions and practice tests.

Let's review

An ideal companion to high school biology textbooks - covers all biology topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents.

The calculus lifesaver

all the tools you need to excel at calculus
A companion study guide to single-variable calculus textbooks, featuring subject reviews, nearly five hundred worked examples, in-depth coverage of difficult topics, and discussion of theorems and methods.


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