protecting your teen daughter from controlling, abusive dating relationships
Murray, Jill
Offers advice to parents on how to recognize the signs that their daughter is in an abusive relationship, answers questions about why teenage girls are attracted to or stay with abusive boyfriends, and describes steps parents can take to remove, and keep their children from dangerous dating relationships.
After her older sister runs away, sixteen-year-old Caitlin decides that she needs to make a major change in her own life and begins an abusive relationship with a boy who is mysterious, brilliant, and dangerous.
Discusses the phenomenon known as acquaintance, or date rape, describing situations in which it occurs, how to avoid this crime, and where to get help if you have been a victim.
Examines the characteristics of abusive relationships and gives advice on how to get out of such relationships as well as how to avoid them in the first place.
Interviews with abusers and victims form the basis of this discussion of the characteristics and dangers of unhealthy relationships, the importance of honest communication, and cooperative ways of resolving conflict.
Offers parents, educators, and pastors an overview of the abuse tactics teens face and discusses the lasting impact of date rape and physical, mental, and emotional abuse.
Discusses the myths and facts surrounding acquaintance, or date, rape, of both men and women, the physical and psychological consequences, ways to stay safe, and what to do if sexually assaulted.