
Topical Term

Carl the Christmas carp

In Prague in December, as Radim's family fattens up this year's Christmas carp in their bathtub, Radim finds himself feeling sorry for the creature and develops a daring plan.
Cover image of Carl the Christmas carp

Asian carp

Provides information on the Asian carp, describing how dangerous they can be, and how they spread to new areas and hurt the animals and plants that already live there.
Cover image of Asian carp

Asian carp

Examines how Asian carp came to the United States, how they spread, and the damage they cause.
Cover image of Asian carp

The great adventure of Wo Ti

When a marauding cat threatens the fat carp in the pond of the Summer Palace in Peking, only the wise fish Wo Ti knows how they can save themselves.

Carl the Christmas carp

In Prague in December, as Radim's family fattens up this year's Christmas carp in their bathtub, Radim finds himself feeling sorry for the creature and develops a daring plan.

Asian carp

This book describes the challenges that Asian carp pose for the states in the Mississippi River area and how the U.S. government did not anticipate the problem of controlling the spread of Asian carps.

The Christmas carp

Thomas spends Christmas in Prague with his grandfather where they buy a carp for Christmas dinner. Thomas feeds the fish and decides he doesn't want to eat him.

Koi for ponds

How to buy and choose koi and how to feed them so that they grow well and their luster and colors are enhanced.

Goldfish and other carp

"An introduction to Goldfish and Other Carp, presented in a highly illustrated, question and answer format. Features include fun facts, glossary, resource list, index, and scientific classification list"--Provided by publisher.
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