Explores the diverse responsibilities and powers of various law enforcement agencies in the United States, including the FBI, the DEA, and the United States Marshals.
Discusses the history, powers, and duties of the nation's highest judicial body and includes a chapter on politics and the Court and another on historic decisions.
A resource book on capital punishment that provides an introductory essay, a chronology, biographies, facts and statistics, documents, a glossary, and lists of related organizations and further print and nonprint resources.
Examines the rights of young people, particularly students, in the United States, how they have been established and protected, and how they differ from those of adults.
Discusses how terrorism has become more common, more dangerous, and more international over the past few decades. Examines U.S. policy and responses towards terrorist acts, profiles specific terrorist groups, and offers strategies for combatting the violence.
Examines the issue of journalistic ethics, discussing such areas as accuracy, conflicts of interest, relationships with sources, and slanting the news.