Ride that roller coaster! / Spilsbury, Richard

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Ride that rollercoaster!

forces at an amusement park
How does a rollercoaster work? Why don't I fly off a scrambler or octopus ride? How do bumper cars work? Covering lots of different rides, including traditional, more tame rides such as rollercoasters, helter-skelters and bumper cars, to more white-knuckle screamers such as scramblers, loop-the-loops, gondolas and corkscrews, Race that Bike! takes a fun look at forces in an amusement park. While learning about forces you will find that you also find out the answers to many questions that you have asked yourself about how amusement park rides work, and more. This Feel the Force series shows how forces and motion work in the world around us, in a set of high-interest situations. Each book includes three simple activities or investigations for readers to try. Overlays over large photos, plus diagrams, show how forces are acting in a given situation. Topics covered in the series include basic pushes, pulls and friction, air resistance, gravity, mass, weight and springs.

Ride that roller coaster!

forces at an amusement park
"Featuring free-fall rides, waterslides, and bumper cars, ... reveals the forces at work in amusement parks"--Back cover.
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