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Read, sing, learn : sound it out!
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Sheila the shy sheep
Hoena, B. A
Presents an illustrated book with words and music to a song about the sh letter blend. Includes CD and online music access.
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about Sheila the shy sheep
The story of Stanley and Steven
Hoena, B. A
Presents an illustrated book with words and music to a song about the st letter blend. Includes CD and online music access.
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about The story of Stanley and Steven
Blake has the blues
Hoena, B. A
Presents an illustrated book with words and music to a song about the bl letter blend. Includes CD and online music access.
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about Blake has the blues
Chocolate chimpanzees
Hoena, B. A
Presents an illustrated book with words and music to a song about the ch letter blend. Includes CD and online music access.
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about Chocolate chimpanzees