Presents strategies for increasing the level of collaboration and achievement in the classroom with cooperation, use of data-based analysis, and integration of new technologies.
Contains a story in which twins Hugh and Louis Abernathy try to cheer up Carmen Rosa Pe?a--who is unhappy because she cannot locate a book in the library and her younger sister is going to be in the same classroom--while taking part in Mrs. Skorupski's Great Dewey Hunt; and includes instructional strategies and reproducible pages for a lesson about the Dewey Decimal System.
Patty Lee tries to become the top reader in the fourth grade class by reading more books than the other students, but Carmen Rosa Pena decides she wants to win the contest instead.
Christmas is two days away, but Frances and her little brother Peter, who recently moved to a lighthouse on an isolated island, fear they will have no treats, no music, and no visit from Santa.
After a few tries and with some help from friends, Dawdle Duckling finds the best way to hide while playing hide-and-seek with his mother and siblings.
Reviews the history of cooperation and collaboration in school libraries since the 1990s, discussing the benefits of collaboration between library media specialists and teachers at the junior and high school level; and features a common template for use in planning collaborative units, as well as a selection of units contributed by teams across the U.S.