
Topical Term

A look at magnets

Text and photographs provide a brief introduction to magnetism.

Magnets push, magnets pull

Simple text and photographs explain the basic science behind magnets.


Young readers will learn about magnet facts.

Los imanes

?Sab?as que la Tierra es un gran im?n? Las br?julas utilizan peque?os imanes que pueden detectar el campo magn?tico de la Tierra. Obtenga m?s informaci?n sobre los imanes y c?mo funcionan.


Explore the basics of magnets, looking at topics such as poles, electromagnets, and how we use the Earth's magnetic field to find our way.


The Walt Disney Imagineers show how they apply magnets to all of Disney's theme park attractions. Some examples include the use of magnetic connectors that guide guests through The Seas of Nemo and Friends, and the use of sound through audio speakers in the Pirates of the Caribbean.


Introduces different kinds of magnets, how they work, and some of the ways in which they are used.

Experiment with magnets

Offers an overview of the scientific method and provides instructions for three experiments which teach about magnets.

Electricity and magnetism

An introduction to electricity and magnetism that explains how electricity is made, why some objects attract each other and others repel each other, and how both forces impact daily life.

Electricity and magnetism

Examines how electricity and magnetism effect one's life, discussing lightning, circuits, magnetic resonance imaging, metal detectors, blackouts, computers, compact discs, ions and ion channels, and other related topics.


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