Morin, Isobel V.

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Our changing Constitution

how and why we have amended it
Explores the amendments that have been made to the Constitution, as well as the proposed amendments that were not passed, detailing the controversies and Supreme Court cases that surrounded them.

Days of judgment

the World War II crimes trials
A history of the international war crimes trials that followed World War II, examining the reasoning that led to the charges, the conduct of the trials, and their outcomes, with biographical information on the defendants.

Politics, American style

political parties in American history
Discusses how American political parties have changed their platforms throughout the history of the U.S.

Impeaching the president

Analyzes the Constitution's provision for impeachment and its relevance to the presidencies of Andrew Jackson, Andrew Johnson, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

Women of the U.S. Congress

Describes the lives and political careers of eleven women who have served in the Congress: Jeannette Rankin, Margaret Chase Smith, Helen Gahagan Douglas, Shirley Chisholm, Barbara Jordan, Nancy Landon Kassebaum, Barbara Mikulski, Dianne Feinstein, Barbara Boxer, Patty Murray, and Carol Moseley Braun.

Women chosen for public office

Looks at nine women who have held appointive offices in the federal government.

Women who reformed politics

Text and accompanying photographs present a profile of eight women who were active in reforming the United States' political system.
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