US Supreme Court landmark cases

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Desegregating schools

Brown v. Board of Education
"When the father of Linda Brown, an African American, sued to let his child go to a white school closer to home, history was made. When the court decided that separate was inherently unequal, the world changed for many students across America. Readers will learn what led up to the case, how the case made it to the Supreme Court, and how this case changed everything when it came to race equality in the United States. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

A woman's right to an abortion

Roe v. Wade
"Abortion has long been a hot-button issue. In 1973, in the landmark case of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court finally decided that women should be allowed to have an abortion, with some limits. This book gives the background on the case and the path the case took to make it to the Supreme Court and presents both the majority and dissenting opinions related to the case. It also takes a look at the lasting impact the case has continued to have on policies and the legal system. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

Slavery and citizenship

the Dred Scott case
"In 1857, a slave sued for his freedom and lost ... The author also looks at the aftermath of the case, including the Civil War, and the great changes in the United States on the issue of slavery. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

Separate but equal

Plessy v. Ferguson
"Following the Civil War, feelings were mixed about the freedoms that Lincoln had granted to African American citizens through his Emancipation Proclamation. A group in Louisiana decided to challenge a state law that required companies to have railway cars separated by race. They orchestrated a situation in which a white-looking black man would sit in the white only part of the train and announce he was colored. In a landmark decision that supported the racist feelings in some areas of the country following the Civil War, the effort to secure equal rights at this time failed. The book provides insight into the details of the case and also includes questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology"

Marriage equality

Obergefell v. Hodges
"This groundbreaking case, with much pressure from suing parties across the country and a great amount of controversy, granted the dignity of marriage to same-sex couples. Readers will find out all about the background of the case, how it made it to the Supreme Court, and why the court decided for same-sex marriage. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

Fighting censorship

New York Times v. United States
"Freedom of speech ... was not always taken for granted as it is now. During the Vietnam War, the government made some choices the American public did not necessarily agree with. When the New York Times published articles detailing a war nobody knew about, it caused some waves in the United States government as it scrambled to cover up what it could and control what it couldn't. This title ... [examines] what went on during this time and how the case made it to the Supreme Court"--Provided by publisher.

Establishing the rights of the accused

Miranda v. Arizona
"The Miranda v. Arizona decision was instrumental in making sure that people accused of a crime are aware of all their rights and have equal access to counsel, even if they can not afford it. The Miranda rights, which are read to apprehended suspects, are one of the things people point to when they talk about American rights and freedoms. Readers will find out ... how this now basic right came to pass. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

Desegregating schools

Brown v. Board of Education
"When the father of Linda Brown, an African American, sued to let his child go to a white school closer to home, history was made. When the court decided that separate was inherently unequal, the world changed for many students across America. Readers will learn what led up to the case, how the case made it to the Supreme Court, and how this case changed everything when it came to race equality in the United States. Also included are questions to consider, primary source documents, and a chronology of the case"

The death penalty

Furman v. Georgia
"In 1967, a mentally ill African American man named William Furman invaded the home of William Joseph Micke and accidentally shot him while attempting to flee. Although the evidence suggested that Micke's death was the result of an accident, the jury of the county court found Furman guilty of murder and sentenced him to death. After the Georgia Supreme Court affirmed the lower court's decision, Furman appealed to the highest court in the land ... This book discusses the details of the case as well as how the decision continues to impact the issue of capital punishment and includes excerpts from both the majority and dissenting opinions"--Back cover.
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