Jolene Siana shares the letters she wrote to Ogre, frontman for the band Skinny Puppy, and reflects on how writing those letters helped save Jolene from her inner demons.
Unhappy at home, Nancy and her friend Katie adopt punk lifestyles and find relief in cutting themselves, until Nancy is forced to confront her problems.
uncovering and understanding the addiction of self-injury
Turner, V. J.
Explores the addiction of self-injury, discussing why it has become one of the fastest-growing health problems among teenagers, what can cause it, how it can be treated, and why people do it.
Unhappy at home, Nancy and her friend Katie adopt punk lifestyles and find relief in cutting themselves, until Nancy is forced to confront her problems.
A memoir in which the author, a former "cutter, " discusses the reasons why she began cutting herself as an adolescent, and shares the story of how she was finally able to overcome the affliction.
Marsha begins cutting herself as a way to deal with her stress after her father goes to Iraq and her mother falls apart, but after shocking news pushes her too far, Marsha knows she must find a better way to cope.
Contains over a dozen writings discussing the causes, victims, and treatment of self-injury. Includes facts about self-injury, organizations to contact, and further resources.
Sixteen-year-old Missy copes with being an outcast at school and stress at home by cutting herself with a razor blade, until Death chooses her as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War, and offers her a new blade.
Ruth Wallace struggles to hide the scars on her arms and the fact that she cuts herself from her friends and family, but when her boyfriend and best friend begin to get suspicious, Ruth realizes she must find a new way to cope with her disastrous life.
Explains the psychological disorder of self-mutilation, using case studies and interviews to present a portrait of the self-mutilator, and offering advice on how to overcome the affliction.