Flintham, Thomas

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Super game book

"Meanie King Viking kidnaps Super Rabbit Boy's animal friends, and it is up to Super Rabbit Boy to save them. Each page offers a number of options readers to make this story unfold."--.

Mega Mole Girl digs deep

In Rue's new game Miss Business has captured Super Rabbit Boy and other superheroes for her collection, and it is up to Mega Mole Girl (and Rue) to find a way to rescue them from Miss Business's fortress.
Cover image of Mega Mole Girl digs deep

Super Rabbit Boy world!

King Viking is doing a lot of evil plans at the same time so, with the help of Moon Girl and others, Super Rabbit comes up with a plan to stop the supervillain's attacks.

Super game book!

Meanie King Viking kidnaps Super Rabbit Boy's animal friends, and it is up to Super Rabbit Boy to save them. Each page offers a number of options readers to make this story unfold.
Cover image of Super game book!

Fin del juego, S?per Chico Conejo!

"When [Rey Vikingo] and his evil robot army attack [Pueblo Animal], and kidnap [Perro Cantante], it is up to [S?per Chico Conejo], with some help from Sunny and his video game console, to save the day"--OCLC.
Cover image of Fin del juego, S?per Chico Conejo!

Press start! . Super Rabbit Boy's time jump! BOOK 9

Super Rabbit Boy gained his superpowers when, as a baby, he ate the magic carrot he found in the Wise Woods; now King Viking has built a time machine in order to team up with his younger self, Prince Viking, and prevent Baby Rabbit Boy from finding that carrot--so Super Rabbit Boy has to go back in time, and with help from an unexpected player, save his younger self and protect the timeline.

Super King Viking land!

When Sunny's father enters a video game he finds himself as the evil King Viking, but he is not very good at playing, so King Viking finds himself falling down and getting lost, and wondering if he will ever escape from the game.
Cover image of Super King Viking land!

Super Rabbit Boy world!

King Viking is doing a lot of evil plans at the same time so, with the help of Moon Girl and others, Super Rabbit Boy comes up with a plan to stop the supervillain's attacks.
Cover image of Super Rabbit Boy world!

Super Rabbit Boy's team-up trouble!

When King Viking, Miss Business, and their henchmen team up to cause trouble, Super Rabbit Boy and Mega Mole Girl also join forces, but will they be able to work together to save the world?.
Cover image of Super Rabbit Boy's team-up trouble!

Super Rabbit all-stars!

It is time for the All-Star games, and Super Rabbit Boy wants to be crowned the Ultimate All-Star Champion, but with so many contestants, including the evil King Viking, he will need help from Sunny and his video game console to claim his prize.


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