Dear dragon

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Merry Christmas, Dear Dragon

A boy and his pet dragon enjoy winter activities and prepare for a merry Christmas.

Let's go, Dear Dragon

"A boy and his pet dragon celebrate the Fourth of July by going to the beach, having a picnic, and watching fireworks. Completely re-illustrated from original edition. Includes reading activities and a word list"--.

It's Halloween, Dear Dragon

A boy and his pet dragon enjoy fall activities and celebrate Halloween.

It's circus time, Dear Dragon

A boy and his dragon go to the circus where Dear Dragon performs circus tricks and puts on a show of his own.

I need you, Dear Dragon

Dear Dragon feels rejected when a new baby arrives, but with love and reassurance he is soon at ease as he finds new ways to help with the new addition to the family.

I love you, Dear Dragon

A boy and his pet dragon celebrate Valentine's Day by playing games and making Valentine's cards.

Help for Dear Dragon

A boy gets help for his sick dragon from a friendly veterinarian, soon Dear Dragon feels better and is able to play again.

Happy Easter, Dear Dragon

A boy and his pet dragon enjoy spring activities and prepare for an Easter celebration.

Happy birthday, Dear Dragon

A young boy celebrates his birthday and receives a pet dragon as a gift, and the two play and become the best of friends.

Go to sleep, Dear Dragon

After reading a book about medieval times, a boy falls asleep and dreams that he and his pet dragon live in a medieval setting.


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