social policy

Geographic Name
social policy

Social issues in America

an encyclopedia
Contains alphabetized articles on approximately 160 social issues in the U.S., describing their histories, major aspects, and debates and controversies, and provides a chronology, further reading list, glossary, and documents with each.

America's victims

opposing viewpoints
Presents twenty-six articles debating the effects of victimhood on American society, discussing whether the nation is being tested by increasing claims of oppression, or if recent concessions are an appropriate outcome of women's and civil rights movements.

America in the twenty-first century

opposing viewpoints
Twenty-seven essays debate issues related to the twenty-first-century American lifestyle, technology, society, and foreign policy, including reliance on oil, genetically engineered foods, hydrogen as an energy source, immigration, education, preemption and unilateralism, relations with Europe, and several others.


Contains twenty-seven essays in which the authors debate issues related to Africa, including the problems faced in the country, the spread of AIDS, the preservation of wild lands, and relief policies and initiatives.

Affirmative action

Contains ten essays in which various authors present opposing viewpoints on the issue of affirmative action.

Miles to go

a personal history of social policy
Discusses the history of various social policies concerning such areas as drugs, economics and welfare and offers ideas for policy reform.

The New Deal

Examines the creation of the New Deal and the events that led to it; politics during the Depression; and the life and personality of Franklin Roosevelt; and includes a photographic essay.

Government entitlements

Examines controversies surrounding government entitlements, explaining what they are, discussing social security, welfare, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation, and related topics, and encourages students to utilize critical thinking skills to create informed opinions on the issue.


back on track
Senator Edward M. Kennedy argues that America has departed from its fundamental ideals more than any other time in modern history and that this departure has lead to significant domestic and international turmoil.


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