Hopkinson, Deborah

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how Dr. John Snow solved the mystery of cholera
"The story of Dr. John Snow, who traced London's cholera outbreak to a single water pump"--.
Cover image of Evidence!

On a summer night

On a hot summer night a little girl wakes up, and wonders what has woken her, and the rest of the nighttime world.
Cover image of On a summer night

Trim sails the storm

As Trim's first storm starts to rage, his fellow shipmates teach him how to prepare the ship.
Cover image of Trim sails the storm

Trim sets sail

When Trim gets off to a bumpy start as ship's cat, new friends, human and animal, help him settle in.
Cover image of Trim sets sail

Small places close to home

a children's declaration of rights
"In the wake of two devastating world wars, Eleanor Roosevelt, former first lady and U.S. delegate to the newly formed United Nations, drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Signed on December 10, 1948, the declaration marked the first time that countries agreed on a comprehensive statement of inalienable human rights. Created in honor of the seventy-fifth anniversary of that historic agreement, this . . . adaptation for children, reminds us that universal rights begin in small places, close to home"--OCLC.

Trim saves the day

Trim looks for a way to help his crewmates without much success, but when he discovers a big problem on the ship, it is all hands on deck.

Determined dreamer

the story of Marie Curie
A picture book biography of Marie Currie, the two-time Nobel Prize winner and the first woman in France to earn the highest degree in physics, showing how she made her dream of being a scientist come true and how her life and legacy continue to inspire to this very day.

The plot to kill a queen

a royal spy story in three acts, also including the Princess saves the cakes, a one act play to perform with a company of friends
In 1582 thirteen-year-old Emilia Bassano is a lute player and aspiring playwright who stumbles on a plot to kill Queen Elizabeth, and is recruited by Sir Francis Walsingham to go to the castle where Mary Queen of Scots is being held and discover who is responsible for the plot.
Cover image of The plot to kill a queen

Trim helps out

On his first morning at sea, ship's cat Trim looks for ways to help out, and makes a new friend along the way.
Cover image of Trim helps out

Cinderella and a mouse called Fred

"A modern-day retelling of Cinderella narrated by the mouse who becomes Cinderella's stage coach"--OCLC.
Cover image of Cinderella and a mouse called Fred


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