Acker, Ben

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Stories to keep you alive despite vampires

If you are reading this book, then you must be trapped in that spooky house with those vampires. Sorry about that. But! You might just make it out if you manage to tell them one scary story each night in accordance with standard vampire rules. Don't know any scary stories? Good thing you found this book! Every tale in this tome is true...more or less (more more than less).
Cover image of Stories to keep you alive despite vampires

Attack on Starkiller Base

"Usually, Mattis Banz and the other members of J-Squadron would be flying away from a First Order ship, not toward one. But this ship has their friend and squad mate Jo Jerjerrod aboard as a prisoner, and J-Squadron won't stop until Jo is safely back with the Resistance. Their pursuit takes them to Starkiller Base, a planet that has been turned into a headquarters for the First Order--and a weapon capable of destroying entire star systems. Mattis and his friends need to rescue Jo and get off-planet as fast as they can so they can warn the Resistance about the secret base...but will they be able to stop squabbling among themselves? If there was ever a time for the members of J-Squadron to step up and become heroes, this is it!"--Back cover.

Join the resistance

"Mattis Banz has a chance at fufilling his dream of being a hero when he is recruited by General Leia Organa's resistance, but he will have to learn how to work with his squad mates if he is to become the next Poe Dameron."--OCLC.
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