preventive medicine

Topical Term
preventive medicine

Pros and cons

vaccine mandates
There are always two sides to every argument. Advocating for issues that matter to you is important, but what's equally as important is understanding those issues from the other perspective. This title dives deeper into the highly debated topic of vaccine mandates and provides readers with the tools and strategies to think critically and analyze the topic through an unbiased lens. Readers will learn how to use logic and facts to defend and argue against both stances while also learning how to stay empathetic and emotionally levelheaded. Book encourages, promotes, and helps build social-emotional learning (SEL) and highlights key 21st century skills and content. Includes research activity, table of contents, glossary, index, author biography, sidebars, and educational matter.

Infectious disease prevention

protecting public health
Infectious diseases are one of the leading causes of death around the world. According to the WHO, three of the top 10 causes of death worldwide in 2019 were infectious diseases These diseases are caused by microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Some infectious diseases spread by person-to-person contact, while others spread through contaminated food or water or by contact with an infectious insect or animal. Public health systems protect people and communities by preventing disease, encouraging and distributing vaccines, and promoting healthy living.

Deadly viruses

Explains different types of dangerous viruses and discusses how infections occur, how to prevent an epidemic, how they can be used as weapons, and more.

Should vaccinations be mandatory?

Presents articles and essays espousing opposing viewpoints on whether or not vaccinations should be mandatory.

Should vaccinations be mandatory?

The title "Should vaccinations be mandatory?" includes a wide range of opinion on a single controversial subject. This book includes primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives -- scientific journals, government officials and many others. Extensive bibliographies and annotated lists of relevant organizations to contact offer a gateway to future research.

The new wellness encyclopedia

A guide to maintaining good health covering such topics as longevity, nutrition, exercise, self-care, and safety.

Magic meals

200 healing preventive recipes for today's 13 most common health conditions
Summary: Each chapter consists of 15 quick-and-easy recipes designed to help heal or prevent a particular disease. Each recipe includes an easy-to-read nutritional chart. Hundreds of health tips and myths.

Holistic medicine

from stress to optimum health

The New wellness encyclopedia

The information in this book contains positive, practical guidelines for wellness. The book is divided into five major parts: longevity, nutrition, exercise, self-care, and environment and safety.


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