Atwater-Rhodes, Amelia

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Falcondance #3 The Kiesha'ra Series

As the peaceful coexistence of the avian and serpiente realms becomes increasingly precarious, nineteen-year-old Nicias, heir to the ancient and powerful falcon realm, learns some lessons about the past that will shape the future of their shared world.

Midnight predator

Vampire hunter Turquoise Draka goes undercover as a human slave in order to enter the fabled vampire realm of Midnight and assassinate Jeshikah, one of the cruelest vampires in history, but her guise brings up old memories of her past enslavement and she finds herself comforted by her benign master Jaguar.


The peace forged by the love between Zane and Danica, leaders of the avian and serpiente realms that had been at war for generations, is threatened by the arrival of Syfka, an ancient falcon who claims one of her people is hidden in their midst.

Token of darkness

Cooper Blake awakens after a serious car accident to find he is accompanied by a young woman from the spirit world who only he can see, and with the help of two loners from his school, Cooper begins to come to terms with his new reality.


In a land that has been at war so long that no one remembers the reason for fighting, the shapeshifters who rule the two factions agree to marry in the hope of bringing peace, despite deep-seated fear and distrust of each other.

Shattered mirror

As seventeen-year-old Sarah, daughter of a powerful line of vampire-hunting witches, continues to pursue the ancient bloodsucker Nikolas, she finds herself in a dangerous friendship with two vampire siblings in her high school.

In the forests of the night

Risika, a teenage vampire, wanders back in time to the year 1684 when, as a human, she died and was transformed against her will.


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