Schneider, Dorothy

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First ladies

a biographical dictionary
Chronologically arranged entries profiling America's first ladies, from Martha Washington to Michelle Obama, including biographical information and explaining their roles and responsibilities in the White House.

Slavery in America

Covers slave ships and auctions, the "triangle trade," plantation life, insurrections, events leading up to the Civil War and emancipation, reactions toslavery, and profiles of slaves and abolitionists.

First ladies

a biographical dictionary
Presents a collection of chronologically arranged entries of America's first ladies, from Martha Washington, to Laura Bush, and includes brief biographical information, as well as explaining their roles and responsibilities in the White House.

Sound off!

American military women speak out
An oral history describes how American servicewomen deal with discrimination, career demands, and parenthood.

First ladies

a biographical dictionary
Chronologically arranged entries provide information on the lives and accomplishments of all the first ladies of the United States, from Martha Washington through Laura Bush.

Sound off!

American military women speak out

Slavery in America

from colonial times to the Civil War
Traces the history of slavery in the United States from colonial times to the Civil War, examining many aspects related to slavery, including African slave catchers, trade routes, slave auctions, life and labor on a plantation, escape attempts and insurrections, the Civil War, and the emancipation.

The ABC-CLIO companion to women in the workplace

Resource guide and history of the women's labor movement in the United States with A-to-Z entries, biographical sketches, and a chronology.


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