personal finance

Topical Term
personal finance

The student's guide to financial literacy

Discusses financial practices that can be adopted in young adulthood to improve one's quality of life, covering budgeting, saving, creating a diversified investment portfolio, buying a home, tax planning, and other topics.

The secret life of money

a kid's guide to cash
Combines odd anecdotes, comics, and everyday connections to provide information about money, covering the history of different currencies, credit cards, buying, saving, investing, and more.

Careless at the carnival

Junior discovers spending
Junior and his friends learn a difficult lesson when they squander all their carnival money trying to win a stuffed dog.

Financial basics

a money-management guide for students
Presents financial advice and tools for students, covering such topics as credit cards, budgets, school loans, credit history, and document storage.

The teen's guide to personal finance

basic concepts in personal finance that every teen should know
A guide to personal finance for teenagers that covers savings, earnings, credit cards, investing, taxes, and other related topics.

Top 10 secrets for saving successfully

Students can determine the meaning of key terms and relationships involving money, savings strategies, economics, and finance in this informational text that presents ten secrets in building the bank account of their dreams.

The money book for the young, fabulous & broke

Presents a comprehensive guide that addresses many of the financial problems young people face in difficult economic times such as saving money, planning for retirement, purchasing a car or a house, paying off student loans and credit cards, and effective job hunting.

Raising financially fit kids

Presents a step-by-step approach parents may use to help children ages five to eighteen develop the money skills they will need to become financially secure adults.

Debt information for teens

tips for a successful financial life, including facts about the economy and personal finances, money management, interest rates, loans, credit cards, predatory lending practices, and resolving debt-related problems
Provides information for teens about obtaining and using credit, managing debt, and avoiding predatory lending.

Kids, parents & money

teaching personal finance from piggy bank to prom
Offers parents practical guidance on how they can help their children learn proper money mangement and become responsible spenders.


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