Bozek, Rachel

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Automation of labor

There have been many benefits to automation, including affordable pricing and accessibility of goods through mass marketing, but its impact on the workforce also has the potential to cripple society. While automation saves billions of dollars for corporations, it also eliminates jobs from the workforce. Advancements in artificial intelligence mean that manufacturing jobs are not the only sector to fall victim to job displacement; experts predict that many white-collar jobs soon will be carried out by computers. In this resource, experts predict how the labor market will be restructured and how humans can successfully adapt to these changes.

Automation of labor

"There have been many benefits to automation, including affordable pricing and accessibility of goods through mass marketing, but its impact on the workforce also has the potential to cripple society. While automation saves billions of dollars for corporations, it also eliminates jobs from the workforce. Advancements in artificial intelligence mean that manufacturing jobs are not the only sector to fall victim to job displacement; experts predict that many white-collar jobs soon will be carried out by computers. In this resource, experts predict how the labor market will be restructured and how humans can successfully adapt to these changes"--Amazon.

Political correctness

A collection of twenty-one essays that provides varying perspectives on issues regarding political correctness.
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Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy

Something remarkable emerged as a result of the Great Recession of the early twenty-first century: a sharing economy. Among the loss of jobs and mortgages and uncertainty about the future, people got creative with the way they earnedand spenttheir money. Democratic platforms like Uber and Airbnb have skyrocketed in popularity, prompting tighter government regulations. But are they the answer to an economy increasingly controlled by giant corporations? Or are they just a different way for people to profit from and exploit struggling workers? Learn more from viewpoints written by todays experts.
Cover image of Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy

Uber, Lyft, Airbnb, and the sharing economy

Explores a wide range of opinions about sharing economy, discussing the pros and cons of the issue and the controversies it has sparked.
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