trials (products liability)

Topical Term
trials (products liability)


big tobacco at the bar of justice
Provides an account of the legal battle that was launched in 1994 when sixty liability lawyers from across the U.S. joined together in an assault on the tobacco industry.

Cipollone v. Liggett Group

suing tobacco companies
Provides background information on the tobacco industry and the history of health warnings about smoking; describes the legal case "Cipollone v. Liggett Group," in which the family of a woman who died of lung cancer sued a cigarette company and made it all the way to the Supreme Court; and urges readers to decide for themselves who was at fault in the case.

Reckless homicide?

Ford's Pinto trial

Agent Orange on trial

mass toxic disasters in the courts
Examines the case regarding Agent Orange, an herbicide used to defoliate the jungles of Vietnam, discussing the historical roots of the lawsuit filed by veterans, featuring a chronological look at the legal action, and offering perspectives on the significance of the case.

Marine One

After the President of the United States is killed in a helicopter crash, Mike Nolan, a Marine Corps reserve helicopter pilot and civilian trial attorney, is hired to defend the European manufacturing company in a court, but his only hope to win is to discover what really caused the crash.


a reference handbook
Traces the history of tobacco use in America and addresses the various issues surrounding its use, abuse, distribution, addictive qualities, and advertising strategies.
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