Gustave, having been forced to move from Paris to the countryside after his parents decided it was not safe for Jews to live in the city during World War II, meets a Catholic girl named Nicole, whose family is part of the French Resistance, and together they devise a plan to rescue his friend and family members from the Nazi occupied territory.
After suffering a concussion while on a class trip to a Holocaust exhibit, Nicole finds herself living the life of a Jewish teenager in Paris during the Nazi occupation.
authentic recipes celebrating the foods of the world
Spieler, Marlena
Contains over forty-five recipes for traditional French foods, and features essays that explore the reasons why the city of Paris is held in such high culinary repute.
the revolutionary decade that gave the world Impressionism
King, Ross
Chronicles the events that occurred in Paris between 1863 and 1874, and explores how those events influenced the Impressionist movement and the artists that created it.
Discusses the arts, life styles, politics, and fashions while tracing the story of bohemians, radicals, hipsters, and hippies from Paris in the nineteenth century to contemporary America.