
Geographic Name

A club in Montmartre

an encounter with Henri Toulouse-Lautrec
After a beggar girl rescues the drunken, severely deformed French painter Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, he introduces her to his studio, the nightlife of Montmartre, and the cancan dancers at the Moulin Rouge club.

France and the Dreyfus affair

a documentary history
Contains documents that trace the history of the arrest, trials, and eventual acquittal of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, an artillery officer wrongly accused of high treason in 1894 by French authorities who believed him to be an easy target because he was a Jew.

Rosemary in Paris

Rosemary Rita's magical hourglass takes her to the Paris Exposition of 1889, where she meets her great-great-grandmother Gracie, also aged ten, and together with a friend they set out to catch the boy who steals Gracie's locket.

Captain of innocence

France & the Dreyfus affair
Surveys the life, multiple trials, imprisonment, and eventual release of the Jewish French army officer accused of spying for the Germans.

The affair

the case of Alfred Dreyfus
Discusses the celebrated scandal that tore turn-of-the-century France apart.

The fateful alliance

France, Russia, and the coming of the First World War
An analysis of the Russian-French alliance of 1894 and what went wrong in Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.

The Beautiful and the cursed

Residing in a desolate abbey protected by gargoyles, two beautiful teenaged sisters in turn-of-the-twentieth-century Paris discover deadly and otherworldly truths as they search for their missing brother.

Charlotte in Paris

The young daughter of American artists living in Giverny, France, in 1893, records in her journal her exciting trip to Paris to attend an Impressionist art exhibition. Includes biographical sketches of the artists featured in the story.

The Dreyfus affair

Examines the case of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish artillery captain attached to the French General Staff in 1894 who was wrongly convicted of treason and sentenced to life in prison before winning pardon twelve years later when the real traitor was identified, and includes biographical profiles of key individuals in the case, primary documents, a time line, and other resources.

Georges Clemenceau

A biography of the French statesman who led his country through the latter part of World War I and who, as premier of France, presided over the Paris Peace Conference after the war.


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