Sinclair, Upton

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The jungle

Upton Sinclair's classic novel describing the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young struggling immigrant; includes an introduction, textual and explanatory notes, bibliography, and chronology.

The jungle

A young Lithuanian immigrant arrives in America filled with dreams of wealth, freedom, and opportunity, but soon learns the truth of the workingman's lot at the turn of the century.

The jungle

A documentary novel portraying industry's conditions at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. Sinclair's novel prompted public outrage which led President Theodore Roosevelt to demand an official investigation. This eventually led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug laws.
Cover image of The jungle

The jungle

Presents Upton Sinclair's classic novel, which depicts the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young Lithuanian immigrant struggling in early-twentieth-century America, and includes a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, critical analyses, and other study tools.

The jungle

Describes the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young immigrant struggling in America.

The jungle



The life of Bunny Ross, son of an oil magnate, reveals practices of those who have become wealthy from their oil wells during the Teapot Dome scandal.

The jungle

A young Lithuanian immigrant, hoping to create a good life for himself and his family in the early 1900s, is discouraged by the shocking conditions he encounters as a worker in the Chicago stockyards.
Cover image of The jungle

The jungle

Presents Upton Sinclair's classic novel, which depicts the conditions of the Chicago stockyards through the eyes of a young Lithuanian immigrant struggling in early-twentieth-century America, and includes a historical time line, a theme and plot outline, critical analyses, and other study tools.
Cover image of The jungle


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