Humorist Dave Barry tackles cyberspace, offering his views on hardware, software, error messages, autocache, Windows 95, and the manly importance of RAM.
Describes dozens of jobs that involve working with computers, including positions in systems analysis, computer programming, consulting, and marketing.
An introduction to jobs focused on preventing incidents of cyberterrorism, including options within the government, military, and the law, and describing the skills, knowledge, outlook, and habits required to achieve success as a professional.
Presents an overview of the development of computers from the early days of electronic adding machines to the present day personal computer and addresses the fundamental role that private business and the government played in helping to advance computer technology through the years.
Explores careers in the computer industry. Explains what happens on the job, rewards, pay, perks, education and training requirements, in addition to the pleasures and pressures of each job.
Introduces preteens to seven careers in the computer industry, including games designer, hardware engineer, and Web site developer, each with a description, outlines of basic responsibilities and qualifications, and a look at a typical day on the job.