racially mixed children

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racially mixed children

The memory wall

"Severkin is an elf who slinks through the shadows of Wellhall's spiraling stone towers, plundering ancient ruins and slaying mystical monstrosities with ease. He's also a character in a video game--a character that twelve-year-old Nick Reeves plays when he needs a break fromthe real world. And lately, Nick has really needed a break. His mother had an "incident" at school last year, and her health has taken a turn for the worse. Nick is convinced his mother's illness has been misdiagnosed, but no one believes him. His only escape is the online world of Wellhall, where, as the elf character Severkin, he can face any problem. But when Nick finds himself fighting alongside another elf who reminds him of someone he knows in real life, his worlds begin to collide..."--Publisher.

Mixed me!

A young boy, teased by the other kids because of his mixed racial background, comes to see himself as not mixed up, but mixed just right.

Does anyone else look like me?

a parent's guide to raising multiracial children
Offers parents of multiracial children advice on how they can help their child understand their mixed racial background.

Prison baby

a memoir
Twelve year old Deborah Jiang Stein always felt like an outsider. Her racial mix made her feel apart from her well-intentioned adoptive Jewish parents. When she found out that she had been born in prison to a heroin-addicted mother, she spiraled into an emotional lockdown and deeper trauma. For years she turned to drugs, violence, and crime to cope with her grief until she realized she could not go on as she had in the past. She fought to heal herself and has become a national speaker, writer, and is the founder of the nonprofit unPrison Project that serves to build public awareness about girls and women in prison.

The other side of paradise

a memoir
The author, a Jamaican-born performance artist, describes the trials and challenges she has faced since birth, and details how she was raised by her grandmother, embraces her homosexuality, locates the man she believes is her estranged father, and more.

Souls looking back

life stories of growing up Black

I'm chocolate, you're vanilla

raising healthy Black and biracial children in a race-conscious world
A guide for parents and other people who work with African-American and biracial children, discussing the danger of sensitizing children to the existence of racial bigotry, and arguing that children who are loved and shielded as much as possible from racism, grow up with high self-esteem regardless of their race.

Half and half

writers on growing up biracial and bicultural
Contains eighteen essays in which the authors discuss the difficulties and benefits of being biracial and bicultural.


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