body size

Topical Term
body size

Biggest and smallest

Profiles the biggest and the smallest animals on earth. Offers information on their physical characteristics and behavior, and describes how their body size benefits them. Features color photographs of record breakers, actual-size photographs, a glossary, and notes for parents and teachers.

The biggest, best snowman

Nell is told by her BIG sisters and her mother that she is too small to help out, but everyone, including Nell, feels differently after her forest friends give her the confidence to build a large snowman.

The heights, the depths, and everything in between

In 1977, best friends Lucy Small, a seventh grader from Wilmington, Delaware, who is five feet ten inches tall, and Jake Little, a dwarf, try unsuccessfully to go unnoticed during their first year of junior high school.

Amazing mammals

Provides information on the biggest and smallest cats, anteaters, and primates.

Actual size

Discusses and gives examples of the size and weight of various animals and parts of animals.

The wicked big toddlah

The first year of giant baby Toddie's life is full of amusing situations as his caregivers figure out how to bath, feed, and change him.

Giant pandas eat all day long

Presents facts about large animals, from whales, bears, lions, and tigers to giant birds, insects, and reptiles.

Big & little

Illustrates the concept of size by comparing different animals, from the smallest visible animals to the largest.

How long is long?

comparing animals
Applies the math functions of measuring and comparing to different types of animals, addressing questions about length. Includes an activity and quiz.


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