Visual history of the world

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A visual history of the world's enduring mysteries

This intriguing book will fascinate any young reader with some of the most mysterious occurrences in history.

A visual history of ships and navigation

Readers will learn about the different eras of ships, from the early navigators to the era of sail and steam to contemporary navigation.

A visual history of soldiers and armies around the world

Young readers will learn about the origin of armies in ancient times and the army of the future.

A visual history of the great civilizations

Offers young readers a perspective into the some of the greatest civilizations in history.

A visual history of science and technology

Explores some of the greatest figures and movements in science and technology.

A visual history of archaeological discoveries around the world

Readers will be able to explore the remains of the men and women who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago, and of hominoids of millions of years ago.
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