legal status, laws, etc.

Topical Term
legal status, laws, etc.

Library patrons' privacy

questions and answers
"A . . . resource for busy library professionals to keep up with the patron privacy crises and questions they frequently face. This book synthesizes librarian opinions, library policies, case studies, empirical research for library and information science and other fields, American Library Association publications, and privacy philosophy"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Library patrons' privacy

Let me play

the story of Title IX, the law that changed the future of girls in America
Examines Title IX, the 1972 legislation which mandated that schools receiving federal funds could not discriminate on the basis of gender and focuses on its effects in schools, politics, sports and the culture as a whole.

What are disability rights?

". . . fact boxes and informative charts give readers a basic introduction to the fight for disability rights . . ."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of What are disability rights?

Treaty words

for as long as the rivers flow
"The first treaty that was made was between the earth and the sky. It was an agreement to work together. We build all of our treaties on that original treaty. On the banks of the river that have been Mishomis's home his whole life, he teaches his granddaughter to listen to hear both the sounds and the silences, and so to learn her place in Creation. Most importantly, he teaches her about treaties the bonds of reciprocity and renewal that endure for as long as the sun shines, the grass grows, and the rivers flow. Accompanied by . . . illustrations by Luke Swinson and an author's note at the end, Aim?e Craft affirms the importance of understanding an Indigenous perspective on treaties . . ."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Treaty words

Deported Americans

life after deportation to Mexico
When Gina was deported to Tijuana, Mexico, in 2011, she left behind her parents, siblings, and children, all of whom are U.S. citizens. Despite having once had a green card, Gina was removed from the only country she had ever known. In Deported Americans legal scholar and former public defender Beth C. Caldwell tells Gina's story alongside those of dozens of other Dreamers, who are among the hundreds of thousands who have been deported to Mexico in recent years. Many of them had lawful status, held green cards, or served in the U.S. military. Now, they have been banished, many with no hope of lawfully returning. Having interviewed over one hundred deportees and their families, Caldwell traces deportation's long-term consequences?such as depression, drug use, and homelessness?on both sides of the border. Showing how U.S. deportation law systematically fails to protect the rights of immigrants and their families, Caldwell challenges traditional notions of what it means to be an American and recommends legislative and judicial reforms to mitigate the injustices suffered by the millions of U.S. citizens affected by deportation.

Logical family

a memoir
Armistead Maupin reflects on growing up as a gay man in the heart of conservative North Carolina, chronicling his own liberation and evolution amongst America's queer community over the last four decades.
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