Everyman's library

Compare Series: 

The glorious Koran

Contains the text of the sacred scripture of Islam with notes from the translator about the meaning of words, the location of places, and the use of some English words over others.

The first men in the moon

Presents H.G. Wells' 1901 novel in which Cavor, a scientist, and his materialistic companion Bedford, travel to the moon in a ship built by Cavor, where they encounter a hostile race of biologically engineered creatures.

Walden, or, Life in the woods

Thoreau discusses his philosophy of life and observations of nature written while spending two years in a cabin on Walden Pond near Concord, Massachusetts.

The periodic table

Primo Levi's memoir of his Jewish family, life as a Jew, and being a chemist.

Vanity Fair

a novel without a hero

The Audubon reader

An anthology of nature writings featuring John James Audubon's descriptions of the American wilderness and its plant and animal life, and contains excerpts from his journals, letters, and published works including profiles of wild birds and his journeys with the Osage Indians.

Rob Roy

Francis Osbaldistone is banished to Scotland, where he meets Robert Roy MacGregor, and when he joins Rob Roy in his attempt to overthrow the English, he learns how to fight for what he believes in.

The origin of species

and, The voyage of the Beagle
Presents Charles Darwin's classic in which he argues that species change over time, evolving or dying out entirely, through the process of natural selection; and his journals from his five-year voyage around the world on the "H.M.S. Beagle, " in which he recorded his observations on geology and natural history.

Crime and punishment

Raskolnikov, a former Russian student, murders an old pawnbroker and her sister. The subsequent guilt with which he struggles results in a tragedy of tension and terror.

Revolutionary road

The Easter parade ; Eleven kinds of loneliness
Collects "Revolutionary Road," about a tragic marriage; "The Easter Parade," about two sisters who are greatly affected by their parents' divorce; and "Eleven Kinds of Loneliness," in which men and women struggle to better their situations despite adversity.


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