soviet union

Geographic Name
soviet union

Russia, America, and the Cold War, 1949-1991

seminar studies in history
A chronological examination of the Cold War from 1948 to 1991, along with a primary document section and an assessment section with questions to help readers analyze the events of this time period.

The Cold War

Contains twenty-two documents that provide opposing viewpoints on the origins of the Cold War, the conduct of the conflict, the U.S. policy of detente, the end of the Cold War, and its lasting impact on nuclear policies and democracy.

The Rise and fall of the Brezhnev Doctrine in Soviet foreign policy

Offers a comprehensive analysis of the collapse of Soviet control in Eastern Europe, focusing on the Solidarity uprisings in Poland, Soviet foreign policy during the era, and the influence the collapse had on Mikhail Gorbachev's later position toward Eastern Europe.

The Global Cold War

third world interventions and the making of our times
A global perspective analyzing the influence of the Cold War on world politics, economics, and military affairs in the twentieth-first-century, focusing on the effects of the Third World policies of the United States and the Soviet Union.

The Cold War

a history in documents and eyewitness accounts
Official and unofficial documents, eyewitness accounts, and other primary and secondary sources help chronicle the Cold War, discussing why it started, how it was fought, how it affected various countries, and other related topics.

Cold War reference library

Presents overviews of fifteen aspects of the Cold War, including the division of Berlin, the Cuban Missile Crisis, espionage, and the arms race in the 1980s, and includes a time line, a glossary, a "people to know" list, and research and activity ideas.

The Iron Curtain

the Cold War in Europe
Examines the history of the Iron Curtain, the symbolic boundary between democracy and totalitarianism in Europe as a result of the Cold War that existed between the U.S. and the Soviet Union from the end of World War II until 1989, providing both American and Soviet perspectives.

America, Russia, and the Cold War, 1945-2002

Examines American and Russian political relations between World War II and the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the U.S., covering such topics as the Truman Doctrine, the Korean War, the Suez Crisis, the Vietnam War, and the Chechnya rebellion.

Cuba on the brink

Castro, the missile crisis, and the Soviet collapse
Presents an account of a 1992 conference at which representatives from Cuba--including Fidel Castro, the former Soviet Union, and the United States, met to discuss the causes and course of the Cuban Missile Conference on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary.


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