Library of Native Americans

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The Shoshone of California

Describes the history, culture, arts, government, and social structure of the Shoshone people of California, and gives a glimpse of Shoshone life today.
Cover image of The Shoshone of California

The Potawatomi of Wisconsin

Discusses the origins, social structure, spiritual beliefs, and daily life of the Potawatomi, as well as examining their contributions to American culture.
Cover image of The Potawatomi of Wisconsin

The Mojave of California and Arizona

Describes the origins, history, politics, and culture of the Mojave people of the desert southwest, from prehistory to the present.
Cover image of The Mojave of California and Arizona

The Modoc of California and Oregon

Describes the culture, government, arts, and religion of the Modoc people of California and Oregon.
Cover image of The Modoc of California and Oregon
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